The Schotanus-foundation is one of the longest existing, immer active, family organisations, run by volunteers. Our goal is to assemble the genealogy and family history of the Schotanusses, and publishing the "Gens Schotana" a standard for all the bearers of the names Schotanus, Scholtanus, Schotanus à Sterringa, Schotanus à Steringa Idzerda and other variations on the Schotanus name.
We organize family days, once a year. If you are in the Netherlands please come and see us.
Thanks to pioneer work of W. Tsj. Vleer from Hardegarijp, a framework was created for the Schotanus family. Mister A. J. Schotanus started working on the framework. Since episode 15, mr Hengstmengel is our genealogist. The Gens Schotana consists of 20 episodes, written in cohesion with historical, cultural, religious and economic aspects of time. That makes the work of the geneaologist so special.
The Gens Scotana starts in the late middle ages, the time between the end of the crusades and the discovery of America in 1492. A time of feuds and disputes, economic decline and transmigration. In historybooks, we only read about the feuds in Holland, but the other regions of had at least as many feuds. In "Friesland", this region, the battle was between the "Schieringers", poor nobility called after the grey color of the monks habits, and the "vetkopers" (fatbuyers) (rich stock farmers and the farmers from "Groningen") who for the most were native to "Zevenwouden" (sevenwoods). Almost no one had a last name, including nobility, That's why there is not much information from this period. Many moved from the southwest corner to the southeast corner, where they started working on peat.
each family history end in the dark. It is not known who the parent were from Gabbe Baernds (ca. 1437) from generation I. There are no women known in the first three generations. There is little concrete. In generation IV from Baernd Gabbes van Schoot en Johanna Hendriksdochter van Ruinen three sons were born and all three go to study. From this family a certain intelligentsia is formed in the period 1575-1725. Baernd Gabbes was called "de grote" (the great) after his lenght. He was a commander from the "Vetkopers" (fat byers). he has perished on the 13 of january 1496 in the Slotermeer (a lake near Sloten), during the battle of the Woudboeren (wood farmers) against the Saxon troops.
In those days one name was enough. If there were more people with the same name, they added a patronym (the fathers name). Baernd was the son of Gabbe, so his name was Baernd Gabbes. He came from the village "Oudeschoot" (old schoot), then called "Schoot". So the name "Baernd Gabbes van Schoot" is formed. The sons Gabbe, Hendrik and Jelle, studied at the latin School (can be compared with the gymnasium, a type of school with a strong emphasis on academic learning, and providing advanced secondary education). There the changed their names to the more Latin Jacobus, Henricus and Gellius. When they wanted a second name, they gave their former village Schoot the suffix "-anus" which means "coming from". And that's how our family name was formed to "Schotanus".
In the beginning of the 12th century, the knights in the Southern Netherlands applied colors and figures on their coat of arms. They wanted to be recognized by friends and enemies. Later the schilden om herkenbaar te zijn voor vriend en vijand. Later the helmet signs and covers were added. The oldest coat of arms were simple, But when other classes than the knights started using the coat of arms, the nuances bacame richer and the weapons more complicated. In Friesland the new coat of arms from civil families mostly consisted of the shield only, not the helmets and covers
The coat of arms
It is a so called speaking coat of arms. It means the symbols were excerpted from the name. Star and rings point to the name "Starringa"or "Sterringa" (the original name of the village Stavoren). The three hearts on top of eachother, symbolize "eigenerfd" property. Meaning that three generations owned the property, so free of loans, a so called allodial property.
coat of arms cover or helmet sign
Above an emerging bear. But in the coat of arms of Christianus and Henricus a dog can be recognized. It could be a saint Bernard. In those days the saint Bernard was used to find the wounded on the battlefield. Ans it looks like Bearnds name. On the sides two curved teeth or horns, it could even be elephants trumpets. A.J. Schotanus assumes that it is a musical instrument, used on the battlefields. When that is accurate, the weapon took shape after the passing away of Baernd Gabbes. Seen that the helmet sign is very old, it could be that Henricus replaced it and once there was an older coat of arms.
The Schotanus Family reunion that was scheduled on the 12th of September 2020 is postponed to next year. Reason is our desire to keep all participants safe from the contagious disease Covid-19.
The last Schotanus familyday took place on May 18th 2019. It took place in Utrecht. We gathered at De Moestuin, a city nursery with restaurant near the inner city at the shores of the Kromme Rijn. After the meeting we visited the observatory Sonnenborgh. De Sonnenborgh is an ages old observatory where one of our ancestors was a professor in astronomy. For info e-mail our treasurer
The previous Schotanus familyday took place in May 2018. Pictures of this event are presented in this photo album (click “Familiedag 2018 Hoorn”).
Quarterly family chronicle
Edition Winter 2017; summary
Van de voorzitter (introduction by the president of the Schotanus-Foundation). Over the past couple of years the board of the Schotanus-Foundation aimed at increasing the number of donors and the number of active donors. Today, only six month away from the moment when two out of three board members will resign, these goals have not been met. The board invites donors to step forward and reinforce its ranks. Meanwhile the board considers various options to decrease the output of the Schotanus-Foundation and thus lighten the workload of its members.
Van de bestuurstafel (from the board’s desk). The next Schotanus family meeting will take place on May 12th 2018. Klaas Schotanus and Otto Rosier will develop a programme consisting of a ride by steamtram from Hoorn to Medemblik, lunch and meeting in Medemblik and a visit to Medemblik and Medemblik castle. The programme will be ap-pealing to both young and senior Schotanuses. In order to keep the participation fee low, the Schotanus-Foundation will contribute more than it did in the past years.
Mist (fog). As a five years old boy Harm Puite was sexually abused, deeply scaring his soul. Many years later, after attending the Festival of the Dead in Mexico, Harm decides to thoroughly search his memories and face the demons of his past. Recently his quest was published in a book written by Harm: Mist (fog).
Geef de pen door (pass the pen). Bert Schotanus, retired general practitioner in Voorschoten, received the pen from John Schotanus (AE Summer 2017). He describes his family and the course of his life. As a true Frisian he loves sailing and long distance ice skating.
Een vervoersverklaring uit 1918 (a 1918 forwarding note). Depicted is a forwarding note testifying the transportation of 54.84 tons of peat by the barge ‘2 Gebroeders’ from Valthermond to Dronrijp during World War I. Bargemaster is Sjoerd Wiegers Schotanus (1896-1942), grandfather of Nanning Schotanus, former president of the Schotanus-Foundation.
Potje stambomen (the genealogy game). Brief introduction to do-it-yourself genealogy, based on an article in the Volkskrant.
Various other items. In a newspaper Nathalie Schotanus tells about the death of her father (Nanning Schotanus, former president) due to Q-fever, the failure of doctors to identify the symp-toms in time and act accordingly. On July 31st 2017 Nienke Schotanus (aged only 22!) graduated at Utrecht University as a master of psychology. Yke Schotanus, teacher of the Dutch language, is convinced that music stimulates the acquisition of knowledge by his pupils. According to Herman R.F. Schotanus in the newspaper Leidsch Dagblad the municipality of Lisse is unable to protect its citizens against noise nuisance caused by air traffic to and from Schiphol Airport. C.P. Zielstra puts up for sale an antique Frisian clock made by clockmaker Berend Schotanus (1747-1826) from Sneek. Attje Johanna Laagland Winder-Schotanus, Emma Jacoba Schotanus-Stapert, Hilly van Hemert-Schotanus and Sietske de Vries-Schotanus recently passed away.
Kinderpagina’s (childrens pages).
Edition Autumn 2017; summary
Van de voorzitter(introduction by the president of the Schotanus-Foundation). To ensure continuity the board of the Schotanus Foundation aims at involving more Schotanuses in the activities of the foundation. Continuation of genealogical research, focus on individual Schotanuses in Aldfaers Erf and appealing annual meetings must contribute to that effect. The number of Schotanuses participating in the May 13th 2017 annual meeting unfortunately did not fully meet expectation. Nevertheless the board will organize another annual meeting on Saturday May 12th 2018. This autumn edition of Aldfaers Erf has been dedicated completely to Schotanuses as pioneers. It highlights the pioneering spirit of a number of Schotanuses.
Pionier op de puinhopen (Pioneer on a heap of rubble). A few years after a long-lasting strike Jan Schotanus was appointed general manager of the dairy factory ‘De Ommelanden’ (Groningen). He was able to restore trust and respect between management and employees by introducing participation. His approach set an example when many years later a national Law on Participation was developed.
Radio-omroeppionier (Radio broadcasting pioneer). Hans Henricus Schotanus à Steringa Idzerda was a Dutch engineer and radio broadcasting pioneer. He was the first one in the world to present regular public radio broadcasting services, starting on November 6th 1919. During the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II he was executed.
Red radio Kootwijk (Save Radio Kootwijk). The father of Coby de Haan was involved in the construction and operation of Radio Kootwijk. Coby herself was involved in the preservation of this monumental building.
Pioniers in de Noordoostpolder (Pioneers in the Noordoostpolder). In 1955 Jouke Baarda and his wife Sierd Schotanus were among the first to start a new life in the newly created Noordoostpolder. Their son Wierd discribes their pioneering experiences.
Schotanussen om utens (Schotanuses abroad). Overview of and reflection on Schotanuses emigrated to the USA as registered in the files of the Statue of Liberty – Ellis Island Foundation (SOLEIF).
Feike, Jacob en Ploon. The brothers Feike and Jacob Schotanus were not successful as a team, neither in the fishing business, nor in farming. Financially supported by his sister Ploon, in 1907 Feike decided to emigrate to he USA. At the age of 18 Thomas, son of Ploon, followed. Thomas tragically died in heavy rain.
Emigranten naar Brazilië (Emigrants to Brasil). Yvette Erkel-Schotanus (daughter of Nanning and Klazien Schotanus) and Erwin Erkel, together with their children Amy, Erwin jr. and Suzanne live a pioneering life on a farm in Carambeí, Brasil. On March 19th 2016 Joey Nanning was born, first son of Erwin jr. and his wife Luana.
Slagen of zakken (To pass or not to pass an exam). Janke Cohen Schotanus, psychologist and professor of the Groningen University, is a scientific pioneer. She developed a method to determine whether or not an exam has been passed succesfully. Her approach is worldwide known as the Cohen-Schotanus standard.
Tour de France. One week ahead of the official Tour de France 2017, Erik Schotanus completed his Tour de France. It took him 3 weeks to complete this effort by bike, following the official 3.700 kilometer route, all on his own. His father Roel took care of the catering.
Laat Schotanus maar schuiven (Schotanuses on the move). Many Schotanuses, all pioneers in their own right, present themselves and their accomplishments on the internet.
Kinderpagina’s (Childrens pages).
Edition Summer 2017 nr 214; summary
On May 13th 2017 over 30 Schotanuses participated in their annual meeting. A splendid day. Excel-lent weather conditions for a boat trip on IJsselmeer. Port of embarkation and debarkation: Urk. Cruisevessel: mv Zuiderzee. The Schotanuses met a kind and helpful crew, sailed along a magnifi-cent route and received a more then adequate explaination. Delicious catering. Lunch, featuring a main course of fish; what else in Urk?
Preparing for the compilation of Alfaers Erf (AE) Autumn 2017, that will be dedicated exclusively to “Schotanuses as pioneers”, the participants of the 2017 annual meeting met with Wierd Baarda, son of Jouke Baarda en Sierd Schotanus. Jouke and Sierd were pioneers in the newly created Noordoostpolder. In this issue of Alfaers Erf a report of the 2017 annual meeting and a summary of the wonderful, well documented story of Wierd Baarda. His complete story will be presented in AE Autumn 2017.
One critical remark. About 30% of all donors participated. That seems satisfying, but the board of the Schotanus-Foundation aimed higher. In the past boattrips generated more attendance. Date and place were selected with care and communicated well in advance. Also, the Schotanus Foundation invested more in this annual meeting. All the more reason to step up our efforts to mobilize more Schotanuses and thus secure future continuity. They are called upon to follow the example of Wierd Baarda and make the compilation of AE Autumn 2017 – “Schotanuses as pioneers” – a big succes by sharing their own stories or the stories of their relatives and by sharing as many relevant photo’s as possible. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
And there is much more in this AE issue. Anneke Schotanus takes you to lovely Dronrijk, where a number of relatives are burried in the shade of the magnificent Salviuskerk church. John Schotanus took the pen, given to him by Emmy Drijver –Schotanus and passes it on to Bert Schotanus of Voor-schoten. Herman Schotanus tells about his passion for playing the alto violin and making music with others. Jan Hengstmengel designed a label for wine bottles containing “Chateau Schotanus”. These labels are for sale. Price: Euro 10,00 per package (10 pieces). Readers of AE are called upon to follow the example of Anneke, Emmy, John, Bert and John by sharing their own stories through AE with all Schotanuses, thus strengthening the family ties.
Main topics in Aldfaers Erf edition Spring 2017 are: a midterm review of the presidency of Otto Rosier, the Schotanus familyday 2017 and the Aldfaers Erf edition Autumn 2017.
The Schotanus-Foundation may look back on an eventfull 2016. Aldfaers Erf Autumn 2016 was dedicated completely to Schotanuses in the Second World War. Many contributed with their stories and photo’s. Preparing for this edition the board traced Schotanuses not being donors in the phone book. They were invited to participate and informed of the availability of the Aldfaers Erf Autumn 2016. A press release was issued. Ultimately 15 extra copies were distributed. The Schotanus-Foundation was heard of in 2016. Very well. But its ambitions have not been met yet. The number of donors only slightly increased. New board members have not stepped foreward. More effort is required. All hands on deck.
Aldfaers Erf Autumn 2017 will be dedicated to Schotanuses as pioneers. Pioneers being those, who start a new life in new environment; either land reclaimend from the sea or what Europeans call the new world (Canada, USA, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand). Pioneers also being those breaking new ground in science, technology and enterprise. All are invited to hand in their stories and photo’s before September 1st 2017. The board of the Schotanus-Foundation will particularly reach out to Schotanuses oversea.
The annual family jamboree will take place on May 13th 2017. The participating Schotanuses will go out on a sailing trip on board of ms De Zuiderzee, based on the former isle of Urk ( During this trip Wierd Baarda, son of Sierd Schotanus en Jouke Baarda who were pioneers of the Noordoostpolder, will share his memories with the participants.
Also in Aldfaers Erf edition Spring 2017: Progress of genealogical and other research. Balance sheet 2016 and budget 2017. Activity report March 2016 – March 2017. Emmy Drijver-Schotanus, using the pen she got from Harm Puite eloquently. Streets named after Schotanuses. And of course: Aldfaers Erf junior.
The end of 2016 is nearing. Time to look back on a moving year in which Nanning Schotanus – former president of the Schotanus-Foundation – passed away. But also the year in which a new policy was introduced, aiming at the active and lasting involvement of more Schotanuses in the activities of the Schotanus-Foundation.
First product of the new approach has been Aldfaers Erf edition Autumn 2016, that was exclusively dedicated to the story of Schotanuses during World War II. Many Schotanuses, not only board members, contributed to this edition. And the information was shared with even more Schotanuses, not only contributors.
Unfortunately the experiences and memories of Bill Schotanus (Atlanta, USA) were received late and have been added to Aldfaers Erf edition Winter 2016. A specimen of Aldfaers Erf edition Autumn 2016 was officially handed to mr Sander de Rouwe, member of the Provincial Executive of Friesland. A press release was issued.
The board of the Schotanus-Foundation has decided to dedicate Aldfaers Erf edition Autumn 2017 to Schotanuses as pioneers. Pioneers being those, who start a new life in a new environment; either land reclaimed from the sea or what Europeans call the new world (Canada, USA, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand). Pioneers also being those breaking new ground in science, technology and enterprise. All are invited to hand in their stories and photo’s before September 1st 2017.
Also in Aldfaers Erf edition Winter 2016: the next annual Schotanus family jamboree that will take place in Urk on May 13th 2017. Harm Puite (son of Trijntje Cornelia Schotanus) introducing himself and passing the pen to Emmy Drijver-Schotanus. Mr and mrs Schotanus-Bouma celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary. The foundation of the Campus Fryslân by the University of Groningen; of course the Schotanus-Foundation was invited to attend the ceremony. A poem by Pieter Jelles Troelstra, painted on a wall in the old city of Leiden. The grandchildren of Botte Schotanus and Janke de Vries meeting in Workum. And of course: Aldfaers Erf junior.
The board of the Schotanus-Foundation wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2017.
Aldfaers Erf edition Autumn 2016 tells the story of Schotanuses in World War II. It largely is the story of common people – men and women, young and old – in exceptional circumstances. The story is told by Schotanuses themselves as they experienced and remember it themselves or as it has been told to them by their ancestors.
Anske Schotanus was 50 years of age when he joined the general railway strike in 1943. The strike was crushed by the Germans. As a result Anske and his family – including his son Wim (author) – went into hiding until the end of the war.
The Germans rounded up able men and sent them to work in Germany. During such a round-up 8 years old Piet Schotanus (author) had a laugh throwing cherrystones on top of the helmets of German soldiers.
Laughing is healthy also during the war. Popular jokes shared in 1942.
At least one Schotanus – Dirk – took part in the secret National Organization to Assist People in Hiding (LO), states P. Wijbenga in his trilogy ‘Bezettingstijd in Friesland’.
John Schotanus tells about his father hiding Jewish fellow citizens and helping allied airmen, whose airplanes were shot down over Friesland, to escape.
Thanks to the availability of a diary Benata Hengstmengel-Koopmans is able to describe the World War II experiences of her mother Jelly Koopmans-Schotanus in great detail.
In the farm of Michiel and Sietske Schotanus-de Jong a cow was slaughtered illegally. This was discovered by two German navymen, looking for food themselves. The navy men confiscated a lot of meat and took it with them, together with the butcher. Shortly afterwards the navy men were intercepted and killed by resistance fighters. The German authorities retaliated. The farm was burned down and ten innocent men were shot.
As a soldier in the Dutch army Enne Schotanus fought the invading Germans in 1940. Shortly before the end of the war he and his fellow resistance fighters made a train derail. The Germans retaliated by shooting thirteen innocent men.
When the Germans invaded the Netherlands Jan Schotanus, brother of Enne, was in charge of the laboratory of the dairy factory CCF in Leeuwarden. During the occupation he was appointed head of the Leeuwarden soup kitchen.
Nanning Schotanus – leader of Harlingen/Franeker department of the Dutch Nazi party NSB – died only a few months before the German invasion in the Netherlands. One of his sons – Folkert – joined the local SS (WA). Folkert parished when the vessel he sailed on struck a mine a few days after the war.
Laughing is healthy also during the war. Popular jokes shared during Christmas 1944.
During the war young Jan Schotanus fell ill a number of times and/or was hurt in various accidents. Because of that he was nicknamed ‘Calamity Jan’. One of his brothers went into hiding to escape forced labour in Germany.
Experiences of young Herman Schotanus in occupied Amsterdam. Herman describes the persecution of Jewish fellow citizens, the absence of motorized traffic, people collecting wood from public places to light their stoves at home and finally food being flown in and dropped at the end of the war.
Mrs M.C. Schotanus-Barbiers was 18 years of age when she watched the liberators enter Amsterdam. She didn’t take a ride on one of their vehicles, like many youngsters did. Instead after the war she married her Schotanus from Zwolle.
Rietje and Willy Schotanus (twins; 17 years of age) survived a shooting in Amsterdam that took place a few days after the end of the war.
Jan-Diederik Schotanus – son of treasurer Klaas Schotanus – reports on his visit to camp Westerbork, where during the war Jewish fellow citizens were assembled awaiting deportation to extermination camps in Eastern Europe.
Van de voorzitter (From the chairman and the board´s desk)
Chairman Otto says that what is included in this number of Aldfaers Erf. An obituary of Nanning Schotanus but also the experiences of the family day. He is pleased with the active attitude of the board and hopes more donors will contribute actively to the Schotanus Foundation.
Schotanussen in Amerika (Schotanuses in America)
Gillian Conkling lives in America and is a girl of fifteen years old. She tells about what her grandmother her tells about the Netherlands and about the journey to America.
Geef de pen door (Give the pen)
This is a new item, the chairman Otto talks about himself and gives the pen to Harm Puite.
More about him in de winter edition of Aldfaers Erf.
Schotanus in den vreemde (Schotanus abroad)
Otto tells about his visit to Malaysia and Singapore with his wife Anneke. Their eldest daughter lives in Singapore.
Iris Schotanus en Vlielands vocal ensemble Pad van 4! (Iris Schotanus and Vlieland vocal ensemble Path of 4!)
Iris Schotanus been singing for 13 years in a vocal ensemble. They arrange concerts and put out CDs.
Familiedag 2016 (Family day 2016)
The report gives an impression of the family day.
7000 Schotanussen (7000 Schotanussen)
Jan, wil je dit zelf schrijven?
“Alles komt goed” (Everything will be fine)
This is an obituary of Nanning Schotanus, he died on 7 May this year. It was a typical statement of him to say ‘everything will be fine’.
Herinneringen aan Wilhelminaoord (Memories on Wilhelminaoord)
Wil Schotanus tells about his youth on ‘Wilhelminaoord’ in Sint Nicolaasga (Friesland).
Kinderpagina’s (Children’s pages)
The theme is: Caves
Van de voorzitter (From the chairman)
Chairman Otto asks again to send articles for the announced special issue of Aldfaers Erf about Schotanuses in the Second World War before May 1st. In the AE edition Summer 2016 a new regular item will be launched called ‘I pass the pen to…’. The chairman himself will start this ‘chain letter’. Perhaps you are the next who gets ‘the pen’. In our family-circle we want – of course – to look after each other. So please let us know if any donor goes through precarious circumstances, than the board can take appropriate action.
Van de bestuurstafel (From the board’s desk)
In its meeting of February 13th the board discussed the current affairs. The results can be read in this AE edition.
Jaarverslag 2015-2016 (Annual report 2015-2016); Staat van baten en lasten 2015 en begroting 2016 (Financial results 2015 and estimate 2016)
Secretary Anneke and treasurer Klaas report about the board meetings and about the income and expenditure of last year. The budget for 2016 is given too.
Familiedag 2016 (Family day 2016)
The family day 2016 will be held in Bourtange (near Groningen) on June 11th. This day we will meet prof. emeritus Janke Cohen-Schotanus. In the afternoon the fortress Bourtange can be visited. It’s possible to subscribe for the family day until May 20th at the treasurer.
Het familiewapen (The coat of arms)
Chairman Otto and our genealogist Jan give an explanation about the well-known Schotanus coat of arms (with stars, rings and hearts) and about five less known but equally beautiful ones.
Nogmaals: wie herkent wie? (Again: who recognizes whom on the group photo of 1975?)
We are still missing some names of persons who are depicted on the group photo of the Schotanus family day held in 1975 in Franeker. For the numbers see last AE edition.
Kinderpagina’s (Children’s pages)
The theme is: How it all works.
‘Radio Kootwijk – Bron van verhalen’ (‘Radio Kootwijk – Source of stories’)
Coby de Haan-van der Meulen, donor of the Schotanus Foundation, wrote a book about life in Radio Kootwijk, a hamlet with a former broadcasting station. It is possible to order this book via
Van de voorzitter (From the chairman)
The board of the Schotanus Foundation is grateful to the donor who recruited a new supporter. Who follows? The board also wants to thank the donors who sent their email addresses and/or submitted an article for the announced special issue of Aldfaers Erf about Schotanuses in the Second World War.
The family day in 2016 will be held in Groningen on June 11th. On this day we will meet prof. emeritus Janke Cohen-Schotanus. In the next AE a detailed program of the family day will be presented.
Articles for the AE edition Spring 2016 are very welcome and can be sent to the editors.
The board wishes all donors a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2016!
Van de bestuurstafel (From the board’s desk)
The income and expenses of the Schotanus Foundation are roughly in agreement with the budget. Fortunately the numbers of donors is increasing slightly.
Payments from foreign donors appear to be a problem. The charges of international bank transfers and of cashing an international cheque are very high. Therefore the board asks foreign donors to send no cheques anymore, but instead to pay their donations during a visit to the Netherlands or via Dutch family members. Because the postage costs for sending AE abroad are high as well, the donors are kindly requested to be content with a digital version of AE.
Schotanussen in de pers (Schotanuses in the press)
Jos Schotanus and Sebastiaan Haverkamp intend to join the 2016 Dakar Rally in South America. Last October they were in Morocco for the Oilybia Rally.
The construction company of Klaas and Anja Schotanus in Kollumerzwaag exists 90 years.
Grietenij (forerunner of a rural municipality)
Formerly the rural municipalities in Friesland were called ‘grietenij’; see f.i. the famous Schotanus-Halma atlas from 1718. The chief was called a ‘grietman’. As far as known no Schotanus has been a grietman. In 1851 all 30 grietenijen and 11 towns in Friesland were renamed as ‘gemeente’ (municipality) with a burgomaster at the head, like in the rest of the Netherlands.
De groepsfoto van 12 april 1975: wie herkent wie? (The group photo from April 12th, 1975: who recognizes who?)
A group photo is shown of the Schotanus family day in 1975 at Franeker. Everybody is asked to help completing the list of names of the 77 persons depicted. Who do you recognize?
Bestuursondersteunende medewerkers van de Schotanus-Stichting (1955-2015) (Board supporting co-workers of the Schotanus Foundation)
An overview is given of the board supporting co-workers of the Schotanus Foundation in the first 60 years of its existance. A photo of the board and its co-workers from 1994 is added.
Schotanussen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Schotanuses in the Second World War)
In the previous AE edition (Najaar 2015) an appeal was made to submit articles for the special issue of AE in 2016 about Schotanuses in the Second World War. Although some donors already sent interesting stories, there is still place for more! It does not have to be heroic stories. Also tragic stories or just stories of survival in this difficult time are welcome. As an example Otto Rosier publishes the war story about his father-in-law Enne Schotanus, illustrated with three beautiful pictures. The board looks forward to your contribution and would like to receive it before March 1st, 2016.
Kinderpagina’s (Children’s pages)
The theme is: Light in the dark.
Familieberichten (Family announcements)
Van de voorzitter (From the chairman)
The chairman looks back to the nice family day on June 6th in Franeker. He hopes that the Schotanus Foundation will be an active foundation. That a lot of members participate to realize the goals of the Foundation.
Van de bestuurstafel (From the board’s desk)
The board makes a call to share your email address so that they easier can communicate with the members.
Schotanussen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Schotanussen in the second world war)
The Board of the Schotanus Foundation will, in addition to the genealogical research, show the history of the genus Schotanus in a different way. Focused on recent history. Illustrated if possible with photographic material. The first theme is "Schotanus in the second world war". An exciting episode from the life of our oldest family members, our parents and grandparents.
How old they were when the war began in 1939. Where were they when the Germans invaded the Japanese and Dutch Netherlands Indies. What is happen to them in the period 1939-1945? What they have seen, done or seen it happen? There are pictures of them from that period? What can you remember? Would you collect pictures of your family members from that period and, if possible, digital (high resolution) available to the Board, together with a description. Who are depicted, when and where is the photo taken, what were their misadventures? And would you do this for 1 March 2016? With your contributions will the Board and the redaction make a special edition of Aldfaers Erf.
Levensverhaal van Bauke Johannes Schotanus (Biography of Bauke Johannes Schotanus)
In connection with the decease of Krijn chotanus (1929-2014) on November 23rd, we can reread the second part of the life story of his father Bauke Johannes Schotanus (1890-1957) as written in 1996 by Krijn's sitster, the late Geertje Schouten-Schotanus (1918-2006).
Bestuursleden Schotanus-Stichting (1955-2015) (Board members of the Schotanus Foundation)
It's an overview of board members of the Schotanus Foundation of the period 1955-2015.
Kinderpagina’s (Children’s pages) The theme is: Trace in the wood.
Van de voorzitter (From the chairman)The new chairman, Otto Rosier, introduces himself. He feels honoured that he was asked to be the chairman while he is not a Schotanus by birth. He is married with a Schotanus and that is the reason that he feels a Schotanus as well. He has many new ideas and considers his new task as a challenge.
Verslag familiedag 6 juni 2015 Franeker (Report family day on June 6th at Franeker)
Anneke gives a summary of the day. It started with a reception by the Burgomaster of Franekeradeel at the city hall of Franeker. Chairman Nanning spoke words of thanks to the leaving people, webmaster Jan Schotanus and board member Gert-Jan Schotanus. Also Soraya de Haan was thanked because she built a brand new website. Before lunch Jan Hengstmengel gave a presentation about the Schotanus family history. Afterwards the Royal Eise Eisinga Planetary was visited. After lunch Friso Schotanus gave a lecture, the annual meeting was held and a last there was a film presentation about former family days.
Wetenswaardigheden over het geslacht Schotanus en de Schotanus-Stichting (Facts to know about the Schotanus family and the Schotanus Foundation)
This article is a reproduction of the text spoken by Jan Hengstmengel at the city hall of Franeker. He spoke a.o. about the origin of the Latin name Schotanus in academic circles in the 16th century, about the meaning of the name Schotanus à Starringa (‘coming from (Oude)Schoot, originally from Stavoren’) and about the meaning of the coat of arms (golden stars and rings indicating ‘star-ringa’; red hearts indicating allodial property). The family pedigree starts in the 15th century and consists of a stem of 4 generations with 15 branches.
Van de bestuurstafel (From the board’s desk)
Since February the board had no meeting but there was a lot to do for the family day.
Verslag van de jaarvergadering van de Schotanus-Stichting gehouden op 6 juni 2015 (Report of the annual meeting of the Schotanus Foundation on June 6th)
The annual report was submitted and adopted. The Financial Control Committee was satisfied about the book-keeping of the treasurer in the past financial year. Words of thanks for the leaving chairman, Nanning Schotanus, and words of welcome for the new chairman, Otto Rosier.
Familiedagen Schotanus-Stichting sinds 1955 (Family days Schotanus Foundation since 1955)
Jan Hengstmengel compiled an overview (with a bar chart) of all 59 family days since 1955 with dates, locations, numbers of attendants and other details.
Kinderpagina’s (Children’s pages) The theme is: Bend your brain!
Van de voorzitter (From the chairman)
The chairman hopes that many will come to the family day on June 6th in Franeker. He's looking forward to this day. He is also very happy that Otto Rosier wants to be the new chairman of the Schotanus Foundation.
Van de bestuurstafel (From the board’s desk)
The board had a meeting on February 28th. There was spoken about the family day 2015 and about the possibility for ordering cake forks and spoons with the family coat of arms.
Webmaster gezocht (Webmaster wanted)
Jan Schotanus has been the webmaster of the Schotanus Foundation for many years. He wants to finish this job. The board is looking for a new webmaster and asks for applicants. The website will also be renewed.
Programma familiedag(Program family day)
The day starts with a reception by the Burgomaster of Franeker. After that Jan Hengstmengel will give a short presentation about the Schotanus family history. Next there will be a joint visit to the Planetarium of Eise Eisinga. After lunch there will be a lecture by the author Friso Schotanus and a photo and film presentations about former family days.
Kinderpagina’s (Children’s page) The theme is: It’s all English.
Levensverhaal van Bauke Johannes Schotanus (Biography of Bauke Johannes Schotanus).
In connection with the decease of Krijn Schotanus (1929-2014) on November 23rd, we can reread the first part of the life story of his father Bauke Johannes Schotaus (1890-1957) as written in 1996 by Krijn's sister, the late Geertje Schouten-Schotanus (1918-2006).
Schotanussen in de pers (Schotanuses in the press)
The teenagers Tristan Klaren and Jordie Schotanus are doing voluntary work at a youth centre in Heerenveen. The motto of the center is: Living together is doing together.
Uit de krant (From the newspaper)
In Kimswerd a little village in Friesland, the historical figure of "Grutte Pier" (big Pier) was brought to life in a new performance on occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Frisian rebellion against the Saxons and the county of Holland.
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